
Now Reading: Saturday Night Flapping

Saturday Night Flapping

Just a quick silly video of the king flapping away in front of the tv on this lovely Saturday evening…while dad & Paula look on…

The Christmas tree had just been taken down by Autism Mommy so the living room is finally back to normal…

That is all… nothing earth shattering, just a quick video of his majesty trying to fly away…

Flappy New Year everybody!

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Written by

Frank Campagna

I’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).

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10 People Replies to “Saturday Night Flapping”

  1. My son Chase does this as well, but I call it his TWIRLIES because he spins, flaps, makes noises, and sometimes create stories with his movements. He is put of school as well as everyone else and the twirlies are more frequent, louder, and last longer!

  2. Yes! We are not alone! Great site, sir.

  3. I see a normal Saturday night at our house too. I love when they get this excited

  4. Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing, its nice to know my 9yr old severly autistic non verbal son isn't the only one out there flapping his hands while watching tv sitting super close….lol! You guys rock!

  5. I love him .. and the dog.

  6. My kids heard the squealing and thought it was their brother! 🙂

  7. I recognize that… Fresh Beat Band!!! Must be Nick Jr or Nickelodeon 🙂

  8. mine likes to hide under tables !!

  9. Barrett Chaudoin

    Fresh Beat Band FTW!

  10. He's adorable! Fresh Beat Band is still loved in this house too 🙂