
Now Reading: What Special Needs Swimming At The Y Sounds Like :-)

What Special Needs Swimming At The Y Sounds Like :-)

My wife recorded this audio of “Special Needs Swimming” at our local Y
yesterday afternoon.

At this time, there’s probably about 20 special needs kids in
the pool, ages 5-18, most with autism, some with other disabilities.

All the
sounds you hear are happy sounds… I swear!


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You can hear my son Kyle in there a little bit too… I can pick out his happy “eeeee” anywhere!



 ————————– Widgets

If you’re gonna shop Amazon anyway, can I ask that you enter Amazon by using the search box above?  This way I can make a little money.  This blogging thing has been awesome & life changing for me… but I must admit that it’s taking up a lot more time than I ever thought… so if I can make a few bucks it’ll make it easier for me to justify….

Written by

Frank Campagna

Iโ€™m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call โ€œthe kingโ€ :-).

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6 People Replies to “What Special Needs Swimming At The Y Sounds Like :-)”

  1. That made my heart happy!

  2. This is awesome…working on our local community center to get a special needs swimming group together because it is so worth it!

  3. I have been trying to talk our local YMCA swim director to do a special needs swim class for awhile now. So awesome that yours offers this program. I actually am a swim teacher at our y AND offered to help teach the class if he got it together. I don't think he realizes the amount of need there really is… Do you know what the class is called in your area? I know the basic classes are done pretty much the same at all the Y's…

  4. Agarcia

    I'm a single dad and my son is eleven and also has severe Autism. He loves swimming. He gets to swim 3 times a week at his school or any days that he may be having a rough day…swimming calms him down.

  5. Anonymous

    My son attends Adaptive Swim at the Y here and it's a joy to watch. We're so appreciative of the Y having this program. Ours is a learn at your own pace style class, and the staff working with the kids are just fabulous. Glad to see this occurring in other Y's as well.

  6. M.

    That is so precious… ๐Ÿ™‚ my son is 3 years old w/ Autism. We found out when he was almost 2. It's nice to read that you as a parent knows how it feels like from my point of view as well. Autism parents work so hard, but we love the little things like this (your son enjoying himself at the pool!) I would be super happy if you can follow back and support my blog. It's about my motherhood as an autistic parent and other randomness.. I have 1 post so far! it would absoluteley make my day if you could follow back ๐Ÿ™‚