
Now Reading: Video Blog Post About Our Boring Labor Day

Video Blog Post About Our Boring Labor Day

I decided to try something new tonight. Wife he had the chance to go out tonight with a couple girlfriends and see a band.

We haven’t had a sitter for a while so I figured one of us should at least get out. 
And while she was out I decided to videotape what was going on with me and the king around the house while telling you about our labor day activities. 
Our labor day activities consisted mainly of lying around the house… wifey doing laundry… me cleaning our office and getting the king ready for his first day of school tomorrow…
But why am I writing about it when I can show you…
 so without further do…
Please watch 



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If you’re gonna shop Amazon anyway, can I ask that you enter Amazon by using the link above?  This way I can make a little money.  This blogging thing has been awesome & life changing for me… but I must admit that it’s taking up a lot more time than I ever thought… so if I can make a few bucks it’ll make it easier for me to justify….Love you all! Thanks!!

Written by

Frank Campagna

I’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).

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14 People Replies to “Video Blog Post About Our Boring Labor Day”

  1. Holly Noel

    Thank you for all you do. You are amazing to be fine about your wife going out while you stay home with the King. Your blog and FB page has helped me a lot.

  2. Anonymous

    I can sooo relate. I loved the video and thanks for sharing. Have a great first day back to school!!!

  3. Hi Autism Daddy! Love your posts as usual. I just wanted to mention our son had a chewing fixation and we found rubber chew sticks. They worked wonders! Here is a link..

  4. My son's two favourites toys as well made my day

  5. Anonymous

    as my mother in law says what with all my family has been through its boring here and boring is good

  6. What a nice peek at the life you guys lead. Seems pretty relaxed. Always nice to see we are not alone. He's adorable!

  7. I will visit the Autism Daddy store…sounds great!

  8. Nice to also hear the King Giggle …typical day pretty much! Thanks Loyal subjects…blessings to You all and hope The band was good for Mommy and her friends!

  9. Lisa T

    Thank you so much for this video. It's funny how I watched every second and was interested in all that you said and did. If this were done by one of my friends with typically developing kids, I probably could care less. But, here I am wanting to see it all… The things that you're managing aren't easy. None of what we all do is easy, yet here we all are, making it happen. We may not go through the exact same stuff, but we all know what it's like to do our best to cope with a life that we never imagined for ourselves. We thought parenting and creating a family was going to be something completely different. We see ourselves in one another. There's nothing like knowing that we aren't alone.

    I've been following your blog since my son was diagnosed at 3, about 3 years ago. I could not have done this without you and other parents who are willing to be as honest as you are. Thank you for sharing yourself and your thoughts with all of us. For me, it has meant the difference between getting through my day and crawling into a dark hole…Thank you so much.

  10. Anonymous

    The king has a beautiful smile.

    1. Is it a happy autistic thing? Or perhaps simply autistic that do smile? "My boy frowns more often than not but when he does smile, he lights up the room.", I saw some mom (parent anyway) say on I was diagnosed with Asperger's and a man we know said to my dad "Your daughter has a beautiful smile." I was present and I smiled for some reason, it's been months so I don't know what made me smile then anymore. It's not a smiling capable autistic preserve though. Someone that's hyperactive, if anything was referred to "the young kid whose smile lights up the room" on once.

  11. Anonymous

    Thanks for a peek into our life. Even a mundane day can be nice. I totally get the whole toys issues. My 3 y.o. chews on everything!! Laughed when you showed the blue rubber toy, that's exactly what my son would do when his o.t. would try to work with him on it. I never understood why my son would destroy his favorite books, but maybe that's why he does it. Guess I have to get used to all his books taped up.
    Keep up the good work with all that you do. Enjoy getting to know the family and all your daily activities.

  12. So nice to see such a happy guy watching TV in bed, listening and giggling at his Dad talking. Have a great first day Kyle!