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Now Reading: Mother’s Day 2014: A Few Ups & A Huge Down
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The Ups & Downs of an Autism & Epilepsy Life… |
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If you’re gonna shop Amazon anyway, can I ask that you enter Amazon by using the link above? This way I can make a little money. This blogging thing has been awesome & life changing for me… but I must admit that it’s taking up a lot more time than I ever thought… so if I can make a few bucks it’ll make it easier for me to justify….Love you all! Thanks!!
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Frank CampagnaI’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).
The Sensory Spectrum is hosting a special blog hop of posts from bloggers in June and we'd love to have you participate! Just imagine a list of bloggers sharing their stories about what it’s like to have sensory kiddos! Read more here:
Joining in on this blog hop will undoubtedly get your blog more exposure as people will hop from one blog to the next to read the stories. I will also be tweeting everyone's stories during the month and highlighting some on my Facebook page.
I hope you'll join us!
Jennifer @ The Sensory Spectrum
(and you can find me @ The Jenny Evolution, too!)
You guys are doing great taking care of each other. Thank you for taking the time to share a bit of your life.
Is it just me or does the Amazon link not work? I tried clicking on it to buy something but nothing happened. I've been hovering over it but it's not working for me. Maybe it's just my computer. In case it isn't, just thought I'd mention it. Happy Mother's Day to your wife!
Never a dull moment with the little king. I LOVE reading your post on Facebook.
I'm sorry the seizure was so bad 🙁 but glad that he had such a wonderful time the rest of the day. My husband hasn't had a seizure in over two years today, knock on wood and pray to God that I haven't jinxed us. But, when he was having them he'd have those big ones every day sometimes several a day. A six foot two two hundred plus pound man dropping and seizing is violent and horrible. But, I learned to live with them and through him. I feel for your family that it's your son and not an adult, I know it's got to be about a billion times harder to watch your child seize than your husband (no matter how much you love your spouse). Maybe Kyle was feeling "off" and that's why he came into your room. Before the end of my husband's seizures he got to where he "knew" the "feeling" of a seizure coming on and he'd lay down (wherever he was at the time) so that he wouldn't injure himself more and that we could be there in case it got really bad. Seizures are scary for the one having them and for the ones who have to stand by and watch. God bless all of you!!
I hear ya on the L-O-N-G seizure!!! My son's seizures were always almost 4 minutes. Scary to watch! Love (& STRENGTH) to you all !!!
Some people with epilepsy can sense in some way they are about to seize. Maybe that's why Kyle came to your room, he woke up.. Sensed it and wanted to make sure he was near you when it happened.
God bless your family. I am an SLP and some of my students have nothing that really holds their interest. It is good he has definite likes, and being able to play for an hour is amazing, even if he eats the sand! I learn so much from your blog, as i have three neurotypical grown kids but work with about 45 children and adults with ASD.
Sorry about the seizure. Sounds terrifying. Hoping things get better for you guys on that front. And hey, our autism King shares a birthday with yours, but two years older – we have a teenager in da house today! Hope you guys have a great, seizure free day today.
Where did you find that sand and water table? It looks like just the top of the table with no legs so you can put it anywhere. Right? My kids are getting older and my son still loves the sand box and water. Would love to get it for him if you have a link. And Happy Birthday to the King!
You two are awesome parents!
WOW , what a rough morning ! Going through with the Party was perfect, you had more support and I'm sure everyone is well versed in "Kyle". The wall décor is AWESOME ! Josh is 15 and loves Mater from Cars, I'm going to see if I can do that ! Sand table is definitely a hit ! Josh isn't a swimming like Kyle, more of a splasher , and float in the tube guy. He loves the sand ! I have one of those old turtles with the lid and put sand in it for him. He's to big to sit in it at 5'6 but he sits next to it and plays. Happy Mothers Day to your amazing Wife and Happy Birthday Kyle ! You both inspire me to more and make the most of it, but at the same time it's okay to be aggravated and get mad ! Thanks so much for your Posts and Blogs ! 🙂
I am so sorry you and your family had such a very difficult day. Breaks my heart. Here's hoping for wisdom from the neurologist and no more seizures (long ones at least!).
How frightening. I just cant imagine. I have no other words or advice but wanted to send (((hugs))) and a message of support.
Sending positive thoughts and many prayers for the king your way.
:`( I haven't read through all the blog entries, I am aware of your position about God doesn't give us more than we can handle, blah, blah, blah but I really do have to pray for your family. That is just what we do. I know that we can't do much of anything else for you but my heart hurts for all of you. To say that it is difficult being on the sideline as a loved one goes through something like this is a huge understatement. All I have to offer is our thoughts and prayers for healing. Big huge hugs from Ohio!
Use a baby monitor at all times so you can hear him in his room if he has a seizure!!! I have used one since my sons first one. They work great. A seizure is something you have to know about!!
After 19 years we STILL use the baby monitor. 🙂
I was told to wait and time the seizure..if the seizure was over 5 mins to give the up the tush one….when my son wont drink his triliptal after a few hours I give him a clozepam melting pill(spelling?) to prevent one…or if he has a second one no matter the length he get the up the tush one to break the cycle. Its a full time job this mess!! So AD what do they tell you to do please?.
Been there done that! It all sux but I will care for my son till death due us part! And I do it ALONE! Seizures are a bitch and so hard to watch. But in the long run Im just happy to know that I m here caring for him giving him the best life possible. To hell with the rest!
Hi autism daddy. I wonder why you don't give the king the diastat right away? Story is too long but our son, who just turned 19 and is still into Barney and Sesame Street, had Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (he has C.P. from birth, cortical vision impairment, seizures, speech and developmental delays). His seizures would not stop without diastat, sometimes two doses, and he would stop breathing the entire seizure. He also has the VNS, takes meds, and was on the ketogenic diet for six years. Odd thing about our son is once he hit puberty his seizures all but stopped when we were prepared for the opposite to happen. Anyhow, just curious about waiting for the diastat. Thank you!
Wow. What a day… I don't know how you do it. My oldest son has autism. He will be 13 in July. It is overwhelming at times. He isn't completely non verbal but he is limited in communication. You are a strong person to have everything you have on your plate. Seizures are scary. We have a yellow lab who is 8 that has had a few seizures and it was so scary. I can't imagine if Hunter had one. So happy that yall still had your celebration and you wife was able to get a break on mothers day. Hang in there. I know it sucks. When ever you have a set back like that it just sucks and its not fair.
Hey AD – Does Paula do any seizure detection with Kyle? Or is she mostly a companion/behavior disruption dog?
Big hugs to you and your family. .