
Now Reading: Today was a Rough "Manic Monday" for Kyle — Includes video!!

Today was a Rough "Manic Monday" for Kyle — Includes video!!

My 12 year old son with autism has this week off from school and then his summer school / extended school year (ESY) starts next Monday. 

So this week is a bit of a wild card as I’ve got to work and Kyle has nothing major on his schedule so that puts a lot of pressure on Wifey. 
And day 1 is in the books and it was quite a Manic Monday according to Wifey. 
He had 3 small seizures this morning, but she decided to take him to the movies in the late morning. 
That went pretty well according to her but mainly because she asked if it was ok if she brought his big green ball into the theater. 
They said yes so he spent most of the movie bouncing on his big green ball  
After the movie they went to Wifey’s sisters house where he proceeded to break a vase or something. 
Then they came home around 3:30 and Wifey had some respite because thanks to our Mediaid waiver she had our aide “Deirdre” scheduled for a few hours this afternoon. 
However Kyle’s pattern these days is that he’s very aggressive with her, even more so when Wifey leaves the room to do some laundry or go take a nap, even worse if she leaves the house to go shopping or sonething. 
Today wifey was fighting a migraine so she excused herself to go take a nap and Kyle proceeded to beat up Deirdre the whole time Wifey was gone. 
And Deirdre couldn’t be nicer. She’s a friend of wifey’s.  They were in the same mommy circle of friends a few years back… And she’s been working with Kyle for over a year now and he used to be all lovey dovey with her. Lately, however, he’s been really rough on her. And it’s really sad. 
Wifey thinks it might be that kyle is finally, after all these years getting very attached to his mommy. He is very lovey with his mom lately and she thinks that maybe he acts out when she disappears. 
After all those years of her wanting our son to miss her. This is not how we envisioned it. A 12 year old beating up this nice woman that just wants to hang out with him. 
Anyway Wifey excused herself shortly after me getting home from work, but first she said “if I were you I’d take him out for an hour or so…maybe break the pattern of wanting to be with mommy”
So I took him grocery shopping to get popcorn, baby food (this is how we give him his meds), strawberries, and milk. 
And he was LOUD in the store and he was holding his breath like a maniac. You can hear video of our supermarket trip here.

After grocery shopping it was after 8pm and he was happily manic the whole time. So we came straight into his bedroom, I gave him melatonin and put on his “Sesame Street Sleepytime Songs and Stories” DVD and watched him run around the room like a crazy person. 
You can watch that video here.

But like always, 29 minutes later like clockwork Kyle is always asleep before Bert & Ernie finish singing the “Imagination Song.” 


t’s now 8:43pm. Kyle is asleep. Wifey is asleep. And i’ve got two episodes of Nurse Jackie in the DVR that are calling my name.

So that’s all I wanted to write. I just wanted to tell you about our Manic Monday. 
Goodnight all!
Autism Daddy OUT!


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  If you’re gonna shop Amazon anyway, can I ask that you enter Amazon by using the search box above?  This way I can make a little money.  This blogging thing has been awesome & life changing for me… but I must admit that it’s taking up a lot more time than I ever thought… so if I can make a few bucks it’ll make it easier for me to justify….Love you all! Thanks!!


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Written by

Frank Campagna

I’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).

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3 People Replies to “Today was a Rough "Manic Monday" for Kyle — Includes video!!”

  1. I have a Medicaid waiver and I do things with our local NYSARC, Community-Hab and rec. I also bowl with DPAO and they (DPAO) pay for it.

  2. Anonymous

    Let your kid have SOME goddamn dignity. I don't care if this blog is "anonymous" (ish)… your son is smarter than you think and he will see this one day. He DOES understand. Stop humiliating him. The meltdown videos? Yeah, poor YOU. He's melting down so often because you treat him like he's incapable of understanding anything. He needs the tools to communicate. And that starts with his parents believing that he can. And if I'm wrong and he can't? HE'S STILL A 12 YEAR OLD HUMAN BEING WHO DESERVES FOR HIS PARENTS (allegedly his biggest ADVOCATES) TO TREAT HIM LIKE THEY WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED. I bet you'd LOVE IT if the person you trusted the most started an "anonymous" blog about how exhausting it is to live with you (complete with video!) Ugh. I can't even hate-read this blog anymore. I wish all the best for "Kyle" and hope someone sees his potential and helps him reach it. Starting with giving a 12 year old more age appropriate options than Sesame Street. I'm autistic and I'm glad someone believed in me and didn't infantilize me at the age of 12. And damn I'm glad the internet didn't exist then. But I'm sure you'll keep doing what you're doing, because YOU'RE the victim, not your son, trapped in a body that won't cooperate.

    1. Anonymous

      My son is exactly like kyle….we have provided more age appropriate options as you call them but our son still prefers the wiggles…sesame street…thomas the train etc….there are many levels of autism…..each person is different….autism daddy provides many many oppurtunities for his son…he is educated the world about severe autism…sorry it makes you so angry…perhaps you should spend your time eles where?