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Now Reading: The King is Sick & Tired… A Quick Update…
Wed 9:53am — It’s been a bit of a lost week in the old Autism Daddy household. The King’s been sick for about a week now.
It only presents as a cold. No fever.
And when he’s awake he’s fine / himself except that he’s blowing snot rockets all over himself, his clothes, our couch, and every blanket he gets near.
But all of that is while he’s awake. However during this past week he’s been sleeping up to 17 to 20 hours per day.
This is the part that freaks me out the most.
I’ll admit that I haven’t updated you all on this most recent cold because in the past when I mention how he normally sleeps a lot somebody will write something that will scare the be-Jesus out of me (“you should check him for ___”) and we are so tired of chasing a diagnosis.
He’s eating, he’s peeing, he’s pooping. When he’s awake he’s happy and content and related. He’s got a cold, he’s probably bored, so all he wants to do is sit on the couch, watch tv and sleep.
He missed school Thursday and Friday and school is closed Monday and Tuesday. We kept him home again today.
As I left for work today I mentioned to wifey half kidding and half serious “you should take him for a walk around the block today just to get his legs moving again and build up his stamina.”
Hopefully he’ll be back in school tomorrow.
And at least he hasn’t had increased seizure activity (that we’ve seen) which is common during any cold or illness.
I think this crazy sleep schedule is just the new normal around here.
Even before he was sick I was complaining that he sleeps too much.
He can sleep 11-12 hours a night and still take a 2 hour nap during the day. I’m guessing that this is just normal for him right now. He’s going thru puberty, he’s on seizure meds that can make him sleepy, and normally at school he swims 5 days a week which exerts a lot of energy.
So lately when he’s healthy some days he’s only awake for 10 hours a day. With this cold it’s just been worse (I keep telling myself).
This is just the new normal around here. Hopefully he’ll be back in school tomorrow and we’ll slowly build his stamina back up.
I just miss my high energy bouncing off the walls crazy nut sometimes.
(remind me of this blog post the next time I’m complaining when the king is manic and bouncing off the walls)
That’s it… Over & out!
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Written by
Frank CampagnaI’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).
I bet his cholesterol is low.