
Now Reading: Sesame Street & Autism: 13 New Videos & an Emmy Nomination!!

Sesame Street & Autism: 13 New Videos & an Emmy Nomination!!

So as you all know by now, I work at Sesame Street.  Last September I wrote a post called My Name is Frank. I Work at Sesame Street. I am “Autism Daddy”.  

And in that post I explained that after 4 1/2 years of writing my Autism Daddy blog anonymously I was giving up my anonymity because I was working on Sesame’s autism initiative and I was proud of that work and wanted you all to know.

And then on October 21, 2015, the day Sesame’s autism initiative launched I wrote a post called Sesame Street & Autism -My 2 Worlds Collide in an “Amazing” Way as a way to introduce you all to the resources that were part of the initiative.
And as you all know Sesame’s autism initiative went crazy viral and dominated the autism social media world for a few weeks back in October.  
Well now it’s 5 months later, the original content has over 1 million views, and on the eve of Autism Awareness Month we are launching phase two of our #SeeAmazing autism initiative! 
And I’m here today to walk you thru the 13 new video segments that you’ll find on the site 




Well first off is the video that I’m sure is going to get the most attention.  Last October, Sesame introduced you to our autism muppet Julia in the autism storybook “We’re Amazing 1,2,3”.

Today we want to introduce you to our new animation featuring Julia!

And the best part about that animation is that the voice of Julia is a little girl with autism!

Now while that video is guaranteed to get a ton of attention over the past few weeks, as it should, there are a bunch of other videos that deserve some autism love too!  🙂

Last October we introduced you to an animation called “Benny’s Story” produced by the autistic students at the school Exceptional Minds.

Today I want to introduce you to a Behind The Scenes segment that shows the making of Benny’s Story and all the young adults with autism who hand a hand in creating it.

Next I want to re-introduce you to the kids with autism and their families that we featured in our films back in October.

Last October, we introduced you to one film featuring Nasaiah & Abby Cadabby and one film featuring Nasaiah’s mom.

Today on the Sesame Street and Autism website you’ll find 3 additional short films that show more from Nasaiah and muppet Abby’s amazing playdate.  Here’s my favorite of the three, but I encourage you to check out all three.

Back in October we introduced you to a film about Yesenia & her sisters, as well as a film featuring their dad Ricky.

Today, we have two new videos with their amazing family!  Here’s one of the two!

Last October we introduced you to a film about a boy named Thomas with autism.

Today we are launching two new videos featuring Thomas’s family.  Here’s one featuring his mom Cindy.

OK, so I’ve got 4 more videos that I want to quickly introduce you to, and these are the ones that I am most excited about!

The reason that I’m so excited about these videos is that while I’m happy to introduce to more films featuring our families from October I’m thrilled about these next four because they feature a bunch of new faces

A few months back we asked some parents of ASD kids to record their kids on their smartphones answering specific questions that we had.  And then we asked them to send the videos to us.

And with those videos we were able to create 4 new segments / montages featuring over 30 kids from all over the spectrum.

What Makes You Amazing?“, “What’s Your Favorite Food?

And the two below:

“What Do You Want Kids To Know About Autism?”

“What Are Your Favorite Things?”

I’m really proud of these 4 montages, especially the fact that we were able to get such a wide range of ages, races, and functioning levels.  And I’m thrilled that these videos show some of unique ways that our kids communicate!

So that’s it!  Those are the 13 new autism videos that Sesame has to share with you and we encourage you to share them all like crazy throughout the month of April and use #seeamazing

Also please continue to share your own personal autism stories about your kids on social media and use #seeamazing

That’s about all I’ve got to say…  I think I’ll end it there.

Oops I almost forgot!  

We also got the good news this week that Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Interactive Media, Original Daytime Program or Series!!

And a bunch of our producers and directors and filmmakers are on our list as those eligible for a trophy if we win…including me!

This is my first Emmy nomination during my time at Sesame Street!

Autism Daddy on the red carpet in Los Angeles??  Maybe!  It’s on April 29th.  We shall see!  Stay tuned! 

Ok, now I think I’ll end this post.  

But just be forewarned that I’m extremely proud of all of these videos so I’ll probably be posting tons of stuff about Sesame and our autism initiative over the next few days.  

Please forgive me.

I promise I’ll be back to posting my usual rants and goofy pics of the king very soon!



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  If you’re gonna shop Amazon anyway, can I ask that you enter Amazon by using the search box above?  This way I can make a little money.  This blogging thing has been awesome & life changing for me… but I must admit that it’s taking up a lot more time than I ever thought… so if I can make a few bucks it’ll make it easier for me to justify….Love you all! Thanks!!


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Written by

Frank Campagna

I’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).

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3 People Replies to “Sesame Street & Autism: 13 New Videos & an Emmy Nomination!!”

  1. I so thankful this I hope that I can let my ASD watch these clips and understand autism

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you.

  3. This made my day, thank you!