
Now Reading: 3 Different Ways of Looking at the Same Picture

3 Different Ways of Looking at the Same Picture

I took a picture of my 11 year old son with autism sitting on the couch watching tv at about 8:45am this morning.
Here it is…

Here’s what a parent of a typical kid might think when they see this picture…
There’s a kid calmly sitting on the couch watching tv. 
Here’s what a parent of an autistic kid might think when they see this picture. 

Wow, look how good he’s sitting and how calm he is. And his posture is great. And he’s doing “criss cross apple sauce” with his legs which means he’s got good muscle tone. 
Here’s what I was thinking right before I took this pic. 

Boy he slept like crap last night. That’s why he’s so calm watching tv. He’s probably exhausted. Maybe he’ll nap after this show. And then I can nap and get rid of this headache I’ve got from being up half the night with him. 

Why is he touching his mouth?  He’s been picking at his front teeth all week. Wifey needs to make a dental appointment early in the new year. Oh that’s gonna be fun… NOT…

When was the last time he ate?  15 hours ago?  He’s getting way too skinny. And his appetite sucks. Maybe the teeth bothering him are affecting his appetite?  

Let me put the coffee on and get rid of this headache. 

That’s 3 different ways of looking at this pic..

Written by

Frank Campagna

I’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).

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15 People Replies to “3 Different Ways of Looking at the Same Picture”

  1. Anonymous

    I think wow they have a tree we haven't had a tree in 4 years it's just easier not to have one leaving things same

  2. From another AD…. in short, Yup I understand. Or I should say I wish i could understand.

  3. yah…I just thought – oh, they don't like breakable ornaments on their tree

  4. Anonymous

    I'm so glad that I stumbled on your facebook page. Being a single mom of a 12 yr old with autism…I like to see I'm not the only one who thinks the way I do. Thank You for sharing..

  5. Anonymous

    Personally, I was thinking "wow, someone else who does the Christmas tree decor lightly and without to much bling" My son would have been very comfy here except for the bright couch! Thank You for the view from your "window".

  6. Anonymous

    Wow…. curtains…. I have holes in my walls where the nails to mount them in should be. I'll fix them….someday….NAH. I bet his carpet really isn't carpet…it's that wipeable/smooshy type of childcare flooring I should put in the playroom (I mean the room which was once a dining room, living room and entryway). Wow…how does the tree not get pulled down?

    1. Anonymous

      Thank you for sharing…we have two boys who have their "challenges". Our oldest boy, soon to be 9, has ADHD. Our youngest, who just turned 6, has been diagnosed with Autism. To say the least, many of our nights are just the way you described them above. Yet, with all the rigors we face, my wife and I would not trade places with any one in the world. For though our boys look like coal to those on the outside, as being rough around the edges; we know them to be the diamonds that they are on the inside…precious and invaluable. God bless and strengthen you as you continue to polish your diamond in the rough.

    2. The standing Tree was my first thought lol Astonished by it , wouldn't happen here ..

  7. S true. Always get " he's doing so well" comments from everyone. They don't see what happens behind the scenes…… really love your blog

  8. And the view from abroad: Wow, nice color schemes, very lively and warm. The carpet isn't all bunched up from Mr. 'Fidgety Feet" sitting on the floor and pushing on it. Its nice they can have curtains, ours get yanked down in a second or all twisted around from him grabbing them and spinning around. Kyle IS sitting very nicely. At 8:45 AM I've already lost my temper and am screaming at him to "Stop bouncing and sit nicely on the sofa" followed by "Get your finger out of your mouth" both at least for the 50th time. Regarding that finger in his mouth, I hope he doesn't have another loose tooth and he goes off his food again like he did for 2 months this last Autumn. I'll have to check it out with the missus later. I guess the tree doesn't have too many ornaments or lights, because 'Kyle' probably plays with them too much and would break them all. Boy did we have a right game, keeping 'Johnny' away from our tree the first years. Autism Daddy certainly over exaggerates about him and 'Wifey' being slobs. That place is spotless. We clean up one mess while the 'Turd' is busy dumping out a box of toys or books. And so much dust and little bits everywhere!! Only another week and he's back to school and we can use the vacuum again. Oh well, at least I don't have the headache AD has from being up half the night, but that's only because I took codeine/paracetamol at 5 when we couldn't stand being bounced on anymore and got up. Where the hell does he get his energy from? Naps? What and never sleep at night again, don't think so. I wonder how hard its going to be to get 'Johnny' into his own bed someday. Let's just concentrate on the toileting right now and how well he's doing. It;s a good thing he's so damn adorable or we'd have offed him long ago, (JK). I guess I better check on him instead of making comments on another ASD parent's blog. I can hear his mother starting to lose it with him, so its tag team time. Try and enjoy it a little more AD.

    1. Anonymous

      God Bless you all – your reward is in heaven! Your story is written with great humour, only an AD would agree with/understand. I am blessed with 6 g-kids and am grateful every day for their well-being. Luya"

    2. Anonymous

      I had a lot of your thoughts looking at the photo.

  9. Every parent looks at our baby and has that bazillion thought process happen. Right now im dealing with – "why does he have constant runny poop??? Is it celiac? Lactose? A bug??? Whats going on…." and on goes the process… Its never ending. I feel ya. Lol

  10. Yep, you nailed it. If you've never dealt with Autism first hand then you have no clue what you're looking at/ for.

  11. phyllisbizeemom

    I love to "hear" what you think! (I thought I was the only one that went through all those thoughts….all the time…..) Take care!!! Love y'all