
Now Reading: 2012 Can Suck It! Bring On 2013! :-)

2012 Can Suck It! Bring On 2013! :-)

The wife and I were online last night trying to choose a photo card design for our annual holiday card with the king. Since we are not that religious and since our card will be late and probably arriving after Christmas anyway, we were looking at “Happy New Year” designs.

A few New Year’s cards designs leave enough room for you to write your own caption.

So I said “how about we write something like…”

2012 can suck my —- bring on 2013!

And we both laughed cuz 2012 was a pretty awful year in the ol’ AD household.

So I guess this post is gonna be the best of the worst of 2012 for ol’ Autism Daddy…with links to blog posts about the awful things that happened… lol

This is not what I set out to write when I first started writing this…but that’s where this is headed…

January to mid-May were pretty uneventful & somewhat happy in the AD household…no major complaints.  And then in mid-May the sh-t starting hitting the fan and the year of 2012 went in the crapper… lol

In May the king starting having seizures and spent a few days in the hospital.
(you can read about this here)

In June my dad with Parkinson’s had a fall at the nursing home that required hip surgery and he never really recovered and we had to make some difficult decisions about his care.
(you can read about this here)

In July my dad succumbed to the Parkinson’s and passed away.  You can read the eulogy I wrote for him & read at his funeral here.

In August while having a great time on vacation, Kyle started having dizzy spells / possible seizures and we also found a lump in his groin area
(you can read about this here)

In September the king had hernia surgery and the recovery was tougher than we expected (read here) &  in general September was tough for the king (and therefore for us) for a variety of reasons which I wrote about here

In October after a lot more dizziness and a few big falls we wound up back in the hospital because of seizures.  We spent a few days in for a 24 hour EEG and to adjust to a new seizure med.
(you can read about this here)

Whew… May thru October was a f–king whirlwind of sh-t for us personally!

And then November & December had Hurricane Sandy & the Newtown massacre which much like after 9/11, while not affecting us directly…because we live in the NYC Metro area it does affect our lives.

It affects friends of friends.  It affects friends of friends of friends… and because of FB it’s almost like 6 degrees of separation.  Yes, we know people who know people who were absolutely devastated by Hurricane Sandy.  Yes, we know people who know people who lost children in the Sandy Hook massacre.

So thankfully 2012 is almost over!  Wait, there’s still 11 days left in 2012…what else bad is gonna happen.  Oh, that’s right, the Mayans say the end of the world is tomorrow, so we got that to look forward to!  lol

Good riddance 2012!!  Bring on 2013!!

ok, so some good/great stuff did happen this year to Kyle/us too…maybe I’ll do another 2012 wrap up post about that soon… but in the grand scheme of things it really did suck for us personally….. I don’t know how I got thru it with it all without losing my mind…Thank god for my little white pill!
(read about little white pill here 🙂

sorry, this post was just a weird downer… i started just writing about the funny holiday card caption the wife & i talked (“suck my —-“) and then i started recounting all the sucky things… and we all ended up here…that’s where stream of consciousness writing takes you…

oh well, happy holidays everyone!

the end…

Written by

Frank Campagna

I’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).

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7 People Replies to “2012 Can Suck It! Bring On 2013! :-)”

  1. This blog makes me feel "normal" Thanks !! If one more person say "But look at all the good things that happened !" or "God only gives you what you can handle" ( I must be freakin Superwoman!) I will choke them !! 2013 has to be better! 🙂 Happy New Year !

  2. Anonymous

    My sincere condolences to you and your family. I just want to let you know that if I am lucky enough to find a remote, there will be no backing and/or batteries. I have a 5 year old non verbal son with autism. I am a dad and there is not much out there for us dads, it's all support groups for moms. There is no Christmas tree this year because it would cause too many problems. Your posts are helpful to me and I think I know exactly what you are going through. It sucks!

  3. Anonymous

    Have no fear,
    Lend an ear,
    Shed a tear,
    Have a beer,
    Oh my dear,
    Happy new year!

  4. Anonymous

    Yes, 2012 was a very crappy year for us…one of the worst. I thank God that it is ending very well and pray that next year is better. -shannon

  5. Our year has been pretty shitty as well!! I also lost my dad this year…. actually about 2 weeks ago. 2012 can screw itself!! Hopefully 2013 will better for everyone.

  6. May the shwartz be with you in 2013,I say "screw you" 2012 as we had a very similar shitty time.

  7. Anonymous

    we are on fb (trishantim ) bless yer family! happy holidays! (mother of 6 kids-(2 ) autistic <3